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Sean Hall

Sean Hall

Medlab Clinical LTD


Sean Hall is MD, Chief Executive Officer, Medlab Clinical LTD, Sydney Australia. He founded Medlab in August 2012. He has over 20 years’ experience in nutraceutical sales and development, as well as early drug discovery in Australia, Asia and the US. He has led and inspired his teams to author multiple patents, write peer reviewed articles and deliver lectures at scientific conferences. His passion is leading his researchers into novel areas and strong commercialisation opportunities. He was a founder of FIT-BioCeuticals. Under his management and guidance BioCeuticals became the most innovative, research driven, practitioner brand in Australia. For his sale of FIT-BioCeuticals to Blackmores in 2012, he was nominated as a finalist in the inaugural Australian Exit CEO of the Year Award. He is a Medical Doctor with an MBA in clinical pharmaceutical management, and focuses on the research to pioneer innovation and commercialisation. He is an active member of Medicines Australia, the European Medical Association, the American Federation for Medical Researcher, The World Medical Association, A4M and Special Operations Medical Association.

Research Interest

He focuses on the research to pioneer innovation and commercialisation